I chose this word, also gave a good amount of time on my decision. The person behind this word will remain a mystery. Although, one can guess it from my article, if you have a keen eye for detail.
I think everybody opened that door at least once and gave an excuse to our behaviour, justified the action with the word love. Love has nothing to do with possessiveness or vice versa. They define it in Oxford, as, demanding someone’s total attention or love, while Wikipedia gives a specific meaning to withhold my perception, i.e., strict ownership.
Strict Ownership, the term points to a person’s dominant behaviour. Possessiveness is the word chosen by this dominant predators to wear as blanket since it says, “in too much of love”. I agree, because too much of anything could kill you, and so does possessiveness kills the “love”. It all starts with good intentions though, increases in little, like the temperature of boiling water. The small changes they do to you is reasoned by the term “love” often. In no matter of time, you will see yourself as their slave and be the victim to their ego. Well, a little possessiveness is no harm, like raising an eyebrow to the stranger who hits on your girlfriend or passing a sarcastic comment to your Bestie’s new-work-friend. They don’t harm or damage. But at severe condition, for a prolonged period, they will, to worst extent, breaking up everything you possessed.
In relationships possessiveness enslaves the weakest, traps them in the chains of blind love. Literally blind, they can never understand that they are in a controlling environment. The weakest, mostly the bold ones with soft hearts, go find reasons for their abusive partner and make themselves feel contented. It is difficult for them to blame them, because it was always, “just possessive, nothing big”. Of course, it is big, you are being prey to the big ego head. You will doubt your self-esteem, destroy your reputation, afraid to confront for your self-respect and freedom. It definitely is more than big.
"I was a possessive person at one time. I stayed away from her, very far away from her. She was having a great time and happy. I could smile looking at her social media news feed but not feel okay inside. “She is not happy with me & because of me, I was no more the reason for her smile”. This thought put my ego front of my love and I wore the sunglasses of possessiveness and justified all my atrocious jealousy behaviour under the blanket of “Missing you too much, loving you too much”. I realised when she rebelled back and could take in no more. I saw that red spot I left in her heart. We broke up because I was not the person she fell in love with. I could not feel happy and understood the value of her."
It was sad to listen to this story. In my surprise, I have heard this story from 5 people, different gender, age, personality but the end was always same. “He/She left”.
But worst is, some do not realise that they are being eaten alive, even after getting hits, unable to come out of the chains, get lost in that illusion and bleed inside without telling it out. I pray for those souls to heal.
That will be all for this cup guys.
P.S I received the following words from my readers. If you have time, you can send me your short script-story(language doesn't matter) relating to these words. I shall publish it in my next blog.
1. Us
2. Girls
3. Childhood
4. Indescribable Friendship
5. Teacher
6. Smile
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